"Carbon" Climate Scam Exposed


They DO NOT want you to SEE this ...


"The Kingpin of Carbon"

(Pronounced 'How-Jee')

The Haoji Railway
(formerly Menghua Railway) helps China burn 6x more coal than the entire world COMBINED producing OVER 30% of global carbon emissions.

Haoji stretches the length of Toronto to Florida (1800+km) carrying 200 million tonnes of coal per year!

So China is pumping out THE MOST carbon but what about the rest of the world?

World's Carbon Emissions

China (30%+) and the U.S. (13%+) are the largest emitters of Carbon, with Canada contributing only 1.5% globally.

Who's paying taxes for all this...and where's the science that man-made carbon will cause runaway temperatures?

World's Carbon Taxes 2022

In 2022, the top 15 countries generated approximately $30 BILLION in revenue from carbon taxes.

Canada and France are at the top, accounting for OVER half of the world's carbon revenue.

So we've got 1% of the world's population (Canada + France = 110 million divided by 8 billion world population)

That emits 2% of the world's carbon emissions and produces 50%+ of the WORLD's carbon tax revenue.

While the largest polluters are mysteriously off the list ...

Oh, and if you thought Canada wasn't doing enough already to pay carbon taxes, the government is gonna keep INCREASING the carbon tax on Canadians.

The Carbon "SLAVE" Tax Scheduled To Increase Until It Reaches $170 A Tonne In 2030

"The carbon tax, also referred to as the price on carbon, first came into effect at $20 per tonne in October 2019. It has gone up since then, and reached $80 per tonne on April 1, 2024, up $15, from its previous cost of $65 per tonne.

The carbon tax is scheduled to increase another $15 each year until it reaches $170 a tonne in 2030.

This yearly increase is intended to help Canada reach its emissions target while giving Canadians time to make greener fuel choices."

Source: Forbes

Canada’s Carbon Tax Increase: What You Need To Know

Why Are Canadians Paying A Carbon Tax The Biggest Polluters Aren't?

Great question especially when you consider that ...

Geologist, Prof. Ian Plimer

"No one has ever shown that human emission of carbon dioxide drives global warming. Never been shown."

Prof. Ian Plimer dispels the 'CO2 is a pollutant' and explains what carbon is all about.

Earth's Carbon History

600 Million years of CO2 data reveals current CO2 starvation

Our current CO2 is 0.04% or 400+ ppm.

Not 1%.

Not even half a percent.

And of the 0.04% humans contribute only 3% while the earth makes up the other 97%.

It's also important to note:

CO2 has been nearly 8000 ppm or
20 TIMES HIGHER than it is right now.

...and this is BEFORE cars, before planes, before factories!

Credit: Gregory Whitestone

Temperatures Changed During The Past 10,000 Years. It Wasn't Us.

The current warming trend is neither unusual nor unprecedented.

Note: If CO2 drops below .02% plants and animals begin to die.

Carbon Tax and Net-Zero Agenda Affect The Entire World Not Just Canada

Alibaba Group president J. Michael Evans

"We are developing an individual carbon footprint tracker to monitor what you buy, what you eat, and where/how you travel."

Why would they want to track and limit carbon when it's a miracle molecule; the gas of life?

"If you can convince people that CO2 is pollution, there's no human activity that doesn't result in CO2 emissions including living, including dying, turning on a light switch.

Every single aspect of you life then, if we submit to the idea that CO2 is pollution, then comes under the regulatory control of the people who claim to be saving us from pollution."

- Alex Newman -

The Flawed Presupposition

Alex Newman - President

Liberty Sentinal Media Inc.

"A lot of this environment question depends on I think a very flawed fundamental presupposition, it depends on the idea that CO2 is pollution.

I would argue that after interviewing hundreds of scientists, including many who have worked for the U.N. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) many of the leading scientists in the world, that the notion that CO2 is pollution is ABSOLUTELY preposterous."

Remember: You breathe out about TWO pounds of CO2 everyday.

Everything you do produces carbon which means it's a tax of EXISTENCE.

Credit: WideAwakeMedia

A Different Kind of Rationing...

Barbara Baarsma - World Economic Forum Agenda Contributor

"Let's insure that every household or every citizen in the Netherlands receives a certain amount of carbon emission rights.

That way we can ensure that we do not emit more that our yearly limit.

Your emission rights will be stored in a Carbon Wallet."

The Great Reset:

End Game of The Globalist Agenda

Final Play Revealed!

Digitalising And Decarbonising Everything Through A Digital ID & Central Bank Digital Currency

"Control the food, control the people. Control the energy, control whole continents. Control the money, control the world."

- Henry Kissinger -

The money system broke in 2008 so now they are going after energy and food.

How do you do that?

With this climate agenda.

What controls energy and food?


It's Already Started In Kenya...

Kenyan Digital ID Program Targets New Born Babies 2024:

In Kenya, digital ID Implants are replacing paper and plastic.

"People will be identified digitally using their iris or their fingerprints."

How To Enslave Humanity 2.0:

Step 1. Target poor countries; sell the surveillance as the solution
(saves money/gives you money to do it).

Step 2. Implant digital ID's BEFORE they can decide with free will.

Less resistance = Faster implementation.

Even if some resist, some will comply.

Step 3. Move onto the next country.

Slowly create two different societies, closing off access to certain sectors to those who don't do as they are told.

Credit: ConcernedCitizen

What Do The Scientists, Physicists, Meteorologists And Nobel Prize Winners Have To Say About All This?

Will Happer

American Physicist

Science Advisor to Three (3) Presidents and Professor of Physics at both Columbia and Princeton University

"There's this mischievous idea that's promoted that scientific truth is determined by consensus.

In real science, you know, there are always arguments no science is ever settled. It's just absurd when people say the science of climate is settled.

There's no such thing as settled science, especially climate."

"If I were 30 years old in a university trying to make a career I would certainly keep my mouth shut.

And in fact I went to some effort to keep my mouth shut when I was younger. I knew climate was nonsense then but I was a little bit careful.

- Will Happer -

"If a young person is questioning this (Climate Change), they can't put that in a proposal, the proposal will be denied.

And they can't effectively publish because the gatekeeper will keep them out and so it would end their career."

- Richard Lidzen -

Atmospheric Physicist - Harvard & MIT

John Coleman:

Founder of The Weather Channel

"There is no consensus in science, science isn't a vote, science is about facts.

And if you get down to the hard cold facts, there's no question about it, climate change is not happening.

There is no significant man-made global warming now, there hasn't been any in the past and there's no reason to expect any in the future."

"What I do wonder, is when you see the government, when you see NASA, when you see other institutions say that 97% of climate scientists agree (there is a climate emergency) do you think they're making it up?"

"That's a manipulated figure and let me explain it to you:

The government puts out about $2.5 billion dollars directly for climate research every year. It only gives that money to scientists who will produce scientific results that support the global warming hypothesis of the democrat party position.

So they don't have any choice. If you want the money, you gotta support their position.


97% of the scientific reports published support global warming.


Because those are the ones the government pays for and that's where the money is. It's real simple.

But that doesn't mean it's right. That doesn't make it true. It only makes it bought and paid for. The money goes in circles."

World Climate Declaration: There Is No Climate Emergency

A global network of over 1900+ scientists and professionals, including two Nobel Prize winners in Physics, have prepared this urgent message for you...

World Climate Declaration:
There Is No Climate Emergency

You can find the full declaration by clicking the photo.

P.S. Below are a few quotes from the Global Climate Intelligence Group.

CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth.

"CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. More CO2 is favorable for nature, green-ing our planet.

Additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also profitable for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.

Global warming has not increased natural disasters

"There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent.

However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly."

Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities

"There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.

Go for adaptation instead of mitigation; adaptation works whatever the causes are."

Carbon Tax Election

On March 21st 2024 The House of Commons voted on a carbon-tax-election to determine if they (Members of Parliament) would let Canadian's decide on the carbon tax...

The vote was

204 Nay to 116 Yea


The Majority of Publicly Elected Members of Parliament (204) voted NOT to let Canadian's have a say about being taxed.

"No Taxation Without Representation."

We Don't Have A Democracy If We Don't Have A Say

Below are the 200+ Members of Parliament that want to tax you without representation.

Plus, 116 Members who voted
for your right to vote.

This is public information available at

(Vote No. 674) 44th Parliament, 1st Session Sitting No. 293 - Thursday, March 21, 2024.

Last Thing...

If the information here has benefited you, please consider sharing this website with others.

The more people that know the truth the sooner we will eliminate the carbon tax forever.

Exclusive To Canada ONLY

Get Your Carbon Slave Tax T-Shirt And Share The Truth

Spread The Word. Save Humanity.

"God Keep Our Land Glorious And Free"

Only $49.95 $34.95 Shipping, Handling & Taxes Included

*Hand Sewn Canadian Flag Not Shown*

Worldwide ONLY

Get Your Carbon Slave Tax T-Shirt And Share The Truth

Spread The Word. Save Humanity.

"And Ye Shall Know The Truth, And The Truth Shall Make You Free"

Only $65.95 $49.95 Shipping, Handling & Taxes Included

*Hand Sewn Exclusive World Flag Not Shown*

Carbon/Canada Facts

  • Carbon is 0.04% of the world's atmosphere.

  • 97% of carbon emissions are produced by the Earth.

  • 3% of carbon emissions are produced by humans.

  • Carbon comes out of our

    mouths at 4%

  • Canada is 0.05% of the world's population.

  • Canada holds nearly 10% of the world's forests (3rd most forested country by area).


204 Nay vs 116 Yea

Nay = Don't let Canadian's decide

Yea = Let Canadian's decide

Liberal Party - 150 NAY

Mr. John Aldag

(Cloverdale—Langley City) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Omar Alghabra

(Mississauga Centre) Ontario Nay

Mr. Shafqat Ali

(Brampton Centre) Ontario Nay

Ms. Anita Anand

(Oakville) Ontario Nay

Mr. Gary Anandasangaree

(Scarborough—Rouge Park) Ontario Nay

Mr. René Arseneault

(Madawaska—Restigouche) New Brunswick Nay

Mr. Chandra Arya

(Nepean) Ontario Nay

Mrs. Jenica Atwin

(Fredericton) New Brunswick Nay

Mr. Vance Badawey

(Niagara Centre) Ontario Nay

Mr. Parm Bains

(Steveston—Richmond East) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Yvan Baker

(Etobicoke Centre) Ontario Nay

Mr. Jaime Battiste

(Sydney—Victoria) Nova Scotia Nay

Mr. Terry Beech

(Burnaby North—Seymour) British Columbia Nay

Ms. Rachel Bendayan

(Outremont) Quebec Paired

Ms. Marie-Claude Bibeau

(Compton—Stanstead) Quebec Nay

Mr. Chris Bittle

(St. Catharines) Ontario Nay

Mr. Bill Blair

(Scarborough Southwest) Ontario Nay

Mr. Kody Blois

(Kings—Hants) Nova Scotia Nay

Mr. Randy Boissonnault

(Edmonton Centre) Alberta Nay

Ms. Valerie Bradford

(Kitchener South—Hespeler) Ontario Nay

Mrs. Élisabeth Brière

(Sherbrooke) Quebec Nay

Mr. Ben Carr

(Winnipeg South Centre) Manitoba Nay

Mr. Sean Casey

(Charlottetown) Prince Edward Island Nay

Ms. Bardish Chagger

(Waterloo) Ontario Nay

Mr. George Chahal

(Calgary Skyview) Alberta Nay

Mr. François-Philippe Champagne

(Saint-Maurice—Champlain) Quebec Nay

Mrs. Sophie Chatel

(Pontiac) Quebec Nay

Mr. Shaun Chen

(Scarborough North) Ontario Nay

Mr. Paul Chiang

(Markham—Unionville) Ontario Nay

Mr. Chad Collins

(Hamilton East—Stoney Creek) Ontario Nay

Mr. Serge Cormier

(Acadie—Bathurst) New Brunswick Nay

Mr. Michael Coteau

(Don Valley East) Ontario Nay

Ms. Julie Dabrusin

(Toronto—Danforth) Ontario Nay

Ms. Pam Damoff

(Oakville North—Burlington) Ontario Nay

Mr. Sukh Dhaliwal

(Surrey—Newton) British Columbia Nay

Ms. Anju Dhillon

(Dorval—Lachine—LaSalle) Quebec Nay

Ms. Lena Metlege Diab

(Halifax West) Nova Scotia Nay

Mr. Francis Drouin

(Glengarry—Prescott—Russell) Ontario Nay

Mr. Emmanuel Dubourg

(Bourassa) Quebec Nay

Mr. Jean-Yves Duclos

(Québec) Quebec Nay

Mr. Terry Duguid

(Winnipeg South) Manitoba Nay

Ms. Kirsty Duncan

(Etobicoke North) Ontario Paired Ms. Julie Dzerowicz

(Davenport) Ontario Paired Mr. Ali Ehsassi

(Willowdale) Ontario Nay

Mr. Fayçal El-Khoury

(Laval—Les Îles) Quebec Nay

Mr. Nathaniel Erskine-Smith

(Beaches—East York) Ontario Nay

Mr. Andy Fillmore

(Halifax) Nova Scotia Nay

Mr. Darren Fisher

(Dartmouth—Cole Harbour) Nova Scotia Nay

Mr. Peter Fonseca

(Mississauga East—Cooksville) Ontario Nay

Mrs. Mona Fortier

(Ottawa—Vanier) Ontario Nay

Mr. Peter Fragiskatos

(London North Centre) Ontario Nay

Mr. Sean Fraser

(Central Nova) Nova Scotia Nay

Ms. Chrystia Freeland

(University—Rosedale) Ontario Nay

Ms. Hedy Fry

(Vancouver Centre) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Iqwinder Gaheer

(Mississauga—Malton) Ontario Nay

Ms. Anna Gainey

(Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Westmount) Quebec Nay

Mr. Mark Gerretsen

(Kingston and the Islands) Ontario Nay

Ms. Karina Gould

(Burlington) Ontario Nay

Mr. Steven Guilbeault

(Laurier—Sainte-Marie) Quebec Nay

Ms. Patty Hajdu

(Thunder Bay—Superior North) Ontario Nay

Mr. Brendan Hanley

(Yukon) Yukon Nay

Mr. Ken Hardie

(Fleetwood—Port Kells) British Columbia Nay

Ms. Lisa Hepfner

(Hamilton Mountain) Ontario Nay

Mr. Mark Holland

(Ajax) Ontario Nay

Mr. Anthony Housefather

(Mount Royal) Quebec Nay

Mr. Ahmed Hussen

(York South—Weston) Ontario Nay

Ms. Gudie Hutchings

(Long Range Mountains) Newfoundland and Labrador Nay

Mr. Angelo Iacono

(Alfred-Pellan) Quebec Nay

Ms. Marci Ien

(Toronto Centre) Ontario Nay

Ms. Mélanie Joly

(Ahuntsic-Cartierville) Quebec Nay

Ms. Yvonne Jones

(Labrador) Newfoundland and Labrador Nay

Mr. Majid Jowhari

(Richmond Hill) Ontario Nay

Ms. Arielle Kayabaga

(London West) Ontario Nay

Mr. Mike Kelloway

(Cape Breton—Canso) Nova Scotia Nay

Ms. Iqra Khalid

(Mississauga—Erin Mills) Ontario Nay

Ms. Kamal Khera

(Brampton West) Ontario Nay

Ms. Annie Koutrakis

(Vimy) Quebec Nay

Mr. Irek Kusmierczyk

(Windsor—Tecumseh) Ontario Nay

Mrs. Marie-France Lalonde

(Orléans) Ontario Nay

Ms. Emmanuella Lambropoulos

(Saint-Laurent) Quebec Nay

Mr. Kevin Lamoureux

(Winnipeg North) Manitoba Nay

Ms. Viviane Lapointe

(Sudbury) Ontario Nay

Ms. Patricia Lattanzio

(Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel) Quebec Nay

Mr. Stéphane Lauzon

(Argenteuil—La Petite-Nation) Quebec Nay

Mr. Dominic LeBlanc

(Beauséjour) New Brunswick Nay

Mrs. Diane Lebouthillier

(Gaspésie—Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine) Quebec Nay

Mr. Joël Lightbound

(Louis-Hébert) Quebec Nay

Mr. Wayne Long

(Saint John—Rothesay) New Brunswick Nay

Mr. Lloyd Longfield

(Guelph) Ontario Nay

Mr. Tim Louis

(Kitchener—Conestoga) Ontario Nay

Mr. Lawrence MacAulay

(Cardigan) Prince Edward Island Nay

Mr. Heath MacDonald

(Malpeque) Prince Edward Island Nay

Mr. Steven MacKinnon

(Gatineau) Quebec Nay

Mr. James Maloney

(Etobicoke—Lakeshore) Ontario Nay

Ms. Soraya Martinez Ferrada

(Hochelaga) Quebec Nay

Mr. Bryan May

(Cambridge) Ontario Nay

Mr. Ken McDonald

(Avalon) Newfoundland and Labrador Nay

Mr. David McGuinty

(Ottawa South) Ontario Nay

Mr. John McKay

(Scarborough—Guildwood) Ontario Nay

Mr. Ron McKinnon

(Coquitlam—Port Coquitlam) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Michael McLeod

(Northwest Territories) Northwest Territories Nay

Mrs. Alexandra Mendès

(Brossard—Saint-Lambert) Quebec Nay

Mr. Marco Mendicino

(Eglinton—Lawrence) Ontario Nay

Mr. Wilson Miao

(Richmond Centre) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Marc Miller

(Ville-Marie—Le Sud-Ouest—Île-des-Soeurs) Quebec Nay

Mr. Robert Morrissey

(Egmont) Prince Edward Island Nay

Ms. Joyce Murray

(Vancouver Quadra) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Yasir Naqvi

(Ottawa Centre) Ontario Nay

Ms. Mary Ng

(Markham—Thornhill) Ontario Nay

Mr. Taleeb Noormohamed

(Vancouver Granville) British Columbia Nay

Ms. Jennifer O'Connell

(Pickering—Uxbridge) Ontario Nay

Mr. Robert Oliphant

(Don Valley West) Ontario Nay

Mr. Seamus O'Regan

(St. John's South—Mount Pearl) Newfoundland and Labrador Nay

Ms. Ginette Petitpas Taylor

(Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe) New Brunswick Nay

Mr. Marcus Powlowski

(Thunder Bay—Rainy River) Ontario Nay

Ms. Carla Qualtrough

(Delta) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Yves Robillard

(Marc-Aurèle-Fortin) Quebec Nay

Mr. Pablo Rodriguez

(Honoré-Mercier) Quebec Nay Mr. Churence Rogers

(Bonavista—Burin—Trinity) Newfoundland and Labrador Nay

Mrs. Sherry Romanado

(Longueuil—Charles-LeMoyne) Quebec Nay

Mr. Anthony Rota

(Nipissing—Timiskaming) Ontario Nay

Ms. Ruby Sahota

(Brampton North) Ontario Nay

Mr. Harjit S. Sajjan

(Vancouver South) British Columbia Nay

Ms. Ya'ara Saks

(York Centre) Ontario Nay

Mr. Darrell Samson

(Sackville—Preston—Chezzetcook) Nova Scotia


Mr. Randeep Sarai

(Surrey Centre) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Francis Scarpaleggia

(Lac-Saint-Louis) Quebec Nay

Mr. Peter Schiefke

(Vaudreuil—Soulanges) Quebec Nay

Mr. Marc Serré

(Nickel Belt) Ontario Nay

Ms. Judy A. Sgro

(Humber River—Black Creek) Ontario Nay

Mrs. Brenda Shanahan

(Châteauguay—Lacolle) Quebec Nay

Mr. Terry Sheehan

(Sault Ste. Marie) Ontario Nay

Mr. Maninder Sidhu

(Brampton East) Ontario Nay

Ms. Sonia Sidhu

(Brampton South) Ontario Nay

Mr. Francesco Sorbara

(Vaughan—Woodbridge) Ontario Nay

Mr. Charles Sousa

(Mississauga—Lakeshore) Ontario Nay

Mrs. Pascale St-Onge

(Brome—Missisquoi) Quebec Nay

Ms. Jenna Sudds

(Kanata—Carleton) Ontario Nay

Ms. Filomena Tassi

(Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas) Ontario Nay

Ms. Leah Taylor Roy

(Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) Ontario Nay

Ms. Joanne Thompson

(St. John's East) Newfoundland and Labrador Nay

Mr. Justin Trudeau

(Papineau) Quebec Nay

Mr. Ryan Turnbull

(Whitby) Ontario Nay

Mrs. Rechie Valdez

(Mississauga—Streetsville) Ontario Nay

Mr. Tony Van Bynen

(Newmarket—Aurora) Ontario Nay

Mr. Adam van Koeverden

(Milton) Ontario Nay

Mr. Dan Vandal

(Saint Boniface—Saint Vital) Manitoba Nay

Ms. Anita Vandenbeld

(Ottawa West—Nepean) Ontario Nay

Mr. Arif Virani

(Parkdale—High Park) Ontario Nay

Mr. Patrick Weiler

(West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Jonathan Wilkinson

(North Vancouver) British Columbia Nay

Ms. Jean Yip

(Scarborough—Agincourt) Ontario Nay

Mrs. Salma Zahid

(Scarborough Centre) Ontario Paired Mr. Sameer Zuberi

(Pierrefonds—Dollard) Quebec Nay

Block Quebecois 28 NAY

Mr. Xavier Barsalou-Duval

(Pierre-Boucher—Les Patriotes—Verchères) Quebec Nay

Mr. Mario Beaulieu

(La Pointe-de-l'Île) Quebec Nay

Mr. Stéphane Bergeron

(Montarville) Quebec Nay

Ms. Sylvie Bérubé

(Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou) Quebec Nay

Mr. Yves-François Blanchet

(Beloeil—Chambly) Quebec Nay

Mr. Maxime Blanchette-Joncas

(Rimouski-Neigette—Témiscouata—Les Basques) Quebec Nay

Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe

(Lac-Saint-Jean) Quebec Nay

Ms. Louise Chabot

(Thérèse-De Blainville) Quebec Nay

Mr. Martin Champoux

(Drummond) Quebec Nay

Mrs. Claude DeBellefeuille

(Salaberry—Suroît) Quebec Nay

Mrs. Caroline Desbiens

(Beauport—Côte-de-Beaupré—Île d'Orléans—Charlevoix) Quebec Nay

Mr. Luc Desilets

(Rivière-des-Mille-Îles) Quebec Nay

Mr. Rhéal Éloi Fortin

(Rivière-du-Nord) Quebec Nay

Mr. Jean-Denis Garon

(Mirabel) Quebec Nay

Ms. Marie-Hélène Gaudreau

(Laurentides—Labelle) Quebec Nay

Mrs. Marilène Gill

(Manicouagan) Quebec Paired Ms. Andréanne Larouche

(Shefford) Quebec Paired Ms. Kristina Michaud

(Avignon—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia) Quebec Nay

Ms. Christine Normandin

(Saint-Jean) Quebec Nay

Ms. Monique Pauzé

(Repentigny) Quebec Nay

Mr. Yves Perron

(Berthier—Maskinongé) Quebec Nay

Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay

(Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot) Quebec Nay

Mr. Mario Simard

(Jonquière) Quebec Nay

Ms. Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné

(Terrebonne) Quebec Nay

Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie

(Joliette) Quebec Nay

Mr. Luc Thériault

(Montcalm) Quebec Nay

Mr. Alain Therrien

(La Prairie) Quebec Nay

Mr. Denis Trudel

(Longueuil—Saint-Hubert) Quebec Nay

Mrs. Julie Vignola

(Beauport—Limoilou) Quebec Nay

Mr. René Villemure

(Trois-Rivières) Quebec Nay

NDP Party - 23 NAY

Mr. Charlie Angus

(Timmins—James Bay) Ontario Nay

Ms. Niki Ashton

(Churchill—Keewatinook Aski) Manitoba Nay

Mr. Taylor Bachrach

(Skeena—Bulkley Valley) British Columbia Nay

Ms. Lisa Marie Barron

(Nanaimo—Ladysmith) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Daniel Blaikie

(Elmwood—Transcona) Manitoba Nay

Ms. Rachel Blaney

(North Island—Powell River) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Alexandre Boulerice

(Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie) Quebec Nay

Mr. Richard Cannings

(South Okanagan—West Kootenay) British Columbia Nay

Ms. Laurel Collins

(Victoria) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Don Davies

(Vancouver Kingsway) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Blake Desjarlais

(Edmonton Griesbach) Alberta Nay

Mr. Randall Garrison

(Esquimalt—Saanich—Sooke) British Columbia Nay

Ms. Leah Gazan

(Winnipeg Centre) Manitoba Nay

Mr. Matthew Green

(Hamilton Centre) Ontario Nay

Mr. Gord Johns

(Courtenay—Alberni) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Peter Julian

(New Westminster—Burnaby) British Columbia Nay

Ms. Jenny Kwan

(Vancouver East) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Alistair MacGregor

(Cowichan—Malahat—Langford) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Brian Masse

(Windsor West) Ontario Nay

Ms. Lindsay Mathyssen

(London—Fanshawe) Ontario Nay

Ms. Heather McPherson

(Edmonton Strathcona) Alberta Nay

Mr. Jagmeet Singh

(Burnaby South) British Columbia Nay

Ms. Bonita Zarrillo

(Port Moody—Coquitlam) British Columbia Nay

Independent 1 YAY 1 NAY

Mr. Han Dong

(Don Valley North) Ontario Nay

Mr. Kevin Vuong

(Spadina—Fort York) Ontario Yea

Green Party - 2 NAY

Ms. Elizabeth May

(Saanich—Gulf Islands) British Columbia Nay

Mr. Mike Morrice

(Kitchener Centre) Ontario Nay

Conservatives - 115 YAY

Mr. Ziad Aboultaif

(Edmonton Manning) Alberta Yea

Mr. Scott Aitchison

(Parry Sound—Muskoka) Ontario Yea

Mr. Dan Albas

(Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola) British Columbia Yea

Mr. Dean Allison

(Niagara West) Ontario Yea

Mr. Mel Arnold

(North Okanagan—Shuswap) British Columbia Yea

Mr. Tony Baldinelli

(Niagara Falls) Ontario Yea

Mr. John Barlow

(Foothills) Alberta Yea

Mr. Michael Barrett

(Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) Ontario Yea

Mr. Luc Berthold

(Mégantic—L'Érable) Quebec Yea

Mr. James Bezan

(Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) Manitoba Yea

Mrs. Kelly Block

(Carlton Trail—Eagle Creek) Saskatchewan Yea

Mr. Richard Bragdon

(Tobique—Mactaquac) New Brunswick Yea

Mr. John Brassard

(Barrie—Innisfil) Ontario Yea

Mr. Larry Brock

(Brantford—Brant) Ontario Yea

Mr. Blaine Calkins

(Red Deer—Lacombe) Alberta Yea

Mr. Frank Caputo

(Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) British Columbia Yea

Mr. Colin Carrie

(Oshawa) Ontario Yea

Mr. Adam Chambers

(Simcoe North) Ontario Yea

Mr. Michael Chong

(Wellington—Halton Hills) Ontario Yea

Mr. Michael Cooper

(St. Albert—Edmonton) Alberta Yea

Mr. Marc Dalton

(Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge) British Columbia Yea

Ms. Raquel Dancho

(Kildonan—St. Paul) Manitoba Yea

Mr. Scot Davidson

(York—Simcoe) Ontario Yea

Mr. Gérard Deltell

(Louis-Saint-Laurent) Quebec Yea

Mr. Chris d'Entremont

(West Nova) Nova Scotia Yea

Mr. Todd Doherty

(Cariboo—Prince George) British Columbia Yea

Mr. Terry Dowdall

(Simcoe—Grey) Ontario Yea

Mr. Earl Dreeshen

(Red Deer—Mountain View) Alberta Yea

Mr. Eric Duncan

(Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry) Ontario Yea

Mr. Stephen Ellis

(Cumberland—Colchester) Nova Scotia Yea

Mr. Dave Epp

(Chatham-Kent—Leamington) Ontario Yea

Mr. Ted Falk

(Provencher) Manitoba Yea

Mrs. Rosemarie Falk

(Battlefords—Lloydminster) Saskatchewan Yea

Mr. Ed Fast

(Abbotsford) British Columbia Yea

Ms. Michelle Ferreri

(Peterborough—Kawartha) Ontario Yea

Ms. Kerry-Lynne Findlay

(South Surrey—White Rock) British Columbia Yea

Mrs. Cheryl Gallant

(Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) Ontario Paired Mr. Bernard Généreux

(Montmagny—L'Islet—Kamouraska—Rivière-du-Loup) Quebec Yea

Mr. Garnett Genuis

(Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan) Alberta Yea

Ms. Marilyn Gladu

(Sarnia—Lambton) Ontario Yea

Mr. Joël Godin

(Portneuf—Jacques-Cartier) Quebec Yea

Mrs. Laila Goodridge

(Fort McMurray—Cold Lake) Alberta Yea

Mr. Jacques Gourde

(Lévis—Lotbinière) Quebec Yea

Mrs. Tracy Gray

(Kelowna—Lake Country) British Columbia Yea

Mr. Jasraj Singh Hallan

(Calgary Forest Lawn) Alberta Yea

Mr. Randy Hoback

(Prince Albert) Saskatchewan Yea

Mr. Matt Jeneroux

(Edmonton Riverbend) Alberta Yea

Mr. Pat Kelly

(Calgary Rocky Ridge) Alberta Yea

Mr. Arpan Khanna

(Oxford) Ontario Yea

Mr. Robert Kitchen

(Souris—Moose Mountain) Saskatchewan Yea

Mr. Tom Kmiec

(Calgary Shepard) Alberta Yea

Mr. Michael Kram

(Regina—Wascana) Saskatchewan Yea

Mrs. Shelby Kramp-Neuman

(Hastings—Lennox and Addington) Ontario Yea

Mr. Damien Kurek

(Battle River—Crowfoot) Alberta Yea

Mrs. Stephanie Kusie

(Calgary Midnapore) Alberta Yea

Mr. Mike Lake

(Edmonton—Wetaskiwin) Alberta Yea

Ms. Melissa Lantsman

(Thornhill) Ontario Yea

Mr. Philip Lawrence

(Northumberland—Peterborough South) Ontario Yea

Mr. Richard Lehoux

(Beauce) Quebec Yea

Mr. Branden Leslie

(Portage—Lisgar) Manitoba Yea

Ms. Leslyn Lewis

(Haldimand—Norfolk) Ontario Yea

Mr. Chris Lewis

(Essex) Ontario Yea

Mr. Ron Liepert

(Calgary Signal Hill) Alberta Yea

Mr. Dane Lloyd

(Sturgeon River—Parkland) Alberta Yea

Mr. Ben Lobb

(Huron—Bruce) Ontario Yea

Mr. Larry Maguire

(Brandon—Souris) Manitoba Paired Mr. Shuvaloy Majumdar

(Calgary Heritage) Alberta Yea

Mr. Richard Martel

(Chicoutimi—Le Fjord) Quebec Yea

Mr. Dan Mazier

(Dauphin—Swan River—Neepawa) Manitoba Yea

Mr. Kelly McCauley

(Edmonton West) Alberta Yea

Mr. Greg McLean

(Calgary Centre) Alberta Yea

Mr. Eric Melillo

(Kenora) Ontario Yea

Mr. Rob Moore

(Fundy Royal) New Brunswick Yea

Mr. Marty Morantz

(Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley) Manitoba Yea

Mr. Rob Morrison

(Kootenay—Columbia) British Columbia Yea

Mr. Glen Motz

(Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner) Alberta Yea

Mr. Dan Muys

(Flamborough—Glanbrook) Ontario Yea

Mr. John Nater

(Perth—Wellington) Ontario Yea

Mr. Jeremy Patzer

(Cypress Hills—Grasslands) Saskatchewan Yea Mr. Pierre Paul-Hus

(Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) Quebec Yea

Mr. Rick Perkins

(South Shore—St. Margarets) Nova Scotia Yea

Mr. Pierre Poilievre

(Carleton) Ontario Yea

Mr. Brad Redekopp

(Saskatoon West) Saskatchewan Yea

Mr. Scott Reid

(Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston) Ontario Yea

Ms. Michelle Rempel Garner

(Calgary Nose Hill) Alberta Yea

Mr. Blake Richards

(Banff—Airdrie) Alberta Yea

Mrs. Anna Roberts

(King—Vaughan) Ontario Yea

Ms. Lianne Rood

(Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) Ontario Yea

Mr. Alex Ruff

(Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) Ontario Yea

Mr. Andrew Scheer

(Regina—Qu'Appelle) Saskatchewan Yea

Mr. Jamie Schmale

(Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) Ontario Yea

Mr. Kyle Seeback

(Dufferin—Caledon) Ontario Yea

Mr. Martin Shields

(Bow River) Alberta Yea

Mr. Doug Shipley

(Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte) Ontario Yea

Mr. Clifford Small

(Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame) Newfoundland and Labrador Yea

Mr. Gerald Soroka

(Yellowhead) Alberta Yea

Mr. Warren Steinley

(Regina—Lewvan) Saskatchewan Yea

Mr. Jake Stewart

(Miramichi—Grand Lake) New Brunswick Yea

Mr. Mark Strahl

(Chilliwack—Hope) British Columbia Yea

Mrs. Shannon Stubbs

(Lakeland) Alberta Yea

Mrs. Rachael Thomas

(Lethbridge) Alberta Yea

Mr. Corey Tochor

(Saskatoon—University) Saskatchewan Yea

Mr. Fraser Tolmie

(Moose Jaw—Lake Centre—Lanigan) Saskatchewan Yea

Mr. Tim Uppal

(Edmonton Mill Woods) Alberta Yea

Mr. Tako Van Popta

(Langley—Aldergrove) British Columbia Yea

Mrs. Karen Vecchio

(Elgin—Middlesex—London) Ontario Yea

Mr. Gary Vidal

(Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River) Saskatchewan Yea

Mrs. Dominique Vien

(Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis) Quebec Yea

Mr. Arnold Viersen

(Peace River—Westlock) Alberta Yea Mr. Brad Vis

(Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) British Columbia Yea

Mrs. Cathay Wagantall

(Yorkton—Melville) Saskatchewan Yea

Mr. Chris Warkentin

(Grande Prairie—Mackenzie) Alberta Yea

Mr. Kevin Waugh

(Saskatoon—Grasswood) Saskatchewan Yea

Mr. Len Webber

(Calgary Confederation) Alberta Yea

Mr. Ryan Williams

(Bay of Quinte) Ontario Yea

Mr. John Williamson

(New Brunswick Southwest) New Brunswick Yea

Mr. Bob Zimmer

(Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies) British Columbia Yea

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